Google announces AI ethics panel. By Dave Lee,
Google has launched a global advisory council to offer guidance on ethical issues relating to artificial intelligence, automation and related technologies.
The panel consists of eight people and includes former US deputy secretary of state, and a University of Bath associate professor.
The group will "consider some of Google's most complex challenges”, the firm said.
The panel was announced at MIT Technology Review's EmTech Digital, a conference organised the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
St. Paul's University and Daystar University Join the Consortium welcomes St. Paul's University and Daystar University as institutional members of the Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education.During a three-day tour of Kenya, Dr Christoph Stückelberger represented at a number of events to promote the newly established Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education. Included in the trip's itinerary was St. Paul's University (SPU) and Daystar University.
During his time at SPU, Dr Stückelberger, a former alumnus, met with the university Vice-Chancellor, Joseph Galgalo, who was impressed by the consortium project.
SPU is an established university in the African continent and boasts four campuses with an enrolment of over 7,000 students.

Between Technophobia and Technoutopia – Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Whether or not we accept it, know it or deny it, we now live on a new planet, one in which virtual space and the development and deployment of algorithms and artificial intelligence has an increasing importance.Algorithms are processes made up of formulas to solve problems. With the advent of artificial intelligence a learning element is introduced into such processes that simulate human intelligence with the possibility of judgement and action and the potential that the results could contravene human values, laws and rights. There is an antinomy between techno utopia and technophobia, a problem that ethical reflection and action can and must solve to strike the balance between effective and beneficial progress and actual and potential harm.

Meeting of Council members with representatives of the National Union of grain producers (NUGP) of Russia
Various issues of prospective cooperation in issues of mutual interest were discussed at the meeting.
Members of the Coordinating Council took part in parliamentary hearings in The state Duma
The topic of the hearing: "Main directions of development of the financial market of the Russian Federation for the period 2019-2021".the Event took place on January 21, it was held by the financial market Committee.

Regular meeting of the Coordinating Council
The meeting resulted in the signing of an Agreement with the Italian Association of organic and biodynamic agriculture (FederBio) in the field of modern and promising development of the agro-complex.