Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation
The Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation is a juridical person exclusively governed by Italian law since July 2007. The Foundation is a member of the Academy of Water in Paris.
The Foundation collaborates with the Catholic University of Lille in the frame of the existing cooperation agreement to sponsor seminar/courses on “perspective environment issues", as well as courses on: "Sustainable Food Hygiene Management", "Food Safety Management Systems"; "Official Sign of Quality" and "Sustainable Food, Nutrition and Health Management". The Foundation is present in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where, at the Catholic University of Kinshasa, and in collaboration with local Bar Association of Kinshasa has started a centre for mediation in civil law in order to facilitate peaceful solutions to litigation. The Foundation has established a prestigious academic link with the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro for ongoing collaboration. In 2013 an interdisciplinary seminar on issues related to urban and water issues has been created.
In India, the State University has recognized the granting of a Diploma in Religion and Society Peace and Dialogue issued by the Cardinal Paul Poupard Chair on Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Dialogue at St. Andrew’s College in Mumbai.
The Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation was founded by His Eminence Cardinal Pau Poupard, collaborator of the Sovereign Pontiffs Saint John XXIII, Venerable Servant of God Blessed Paul VI, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI and therefore one of the most qualified representatives for the way of dialogue, identified by those Popes as being able to establish peaceful and long-lasting coexistence between different nations and civilizations.
Cardinal Paul Poupard is President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture and President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
His Eminence Cardinal Paul Poupard is the founder of the Pontifical Council for Culture, of which he has been the President for more than 25 years.
President of the Cardinal Paul Poupard Foundation — Giuseppe Musumeci.
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration — RANEPA is a leading university in Russia in the areas of public policy, public administration, and business administration. RANEPA in 1977. It delivered business and educational programs and trained civil servants, entrepreneurs, financiers, and lawyers.[1] Until 2010 it gave over 100,000 graduates, among them presidents of post-soviet countries, prime ministers and famous businessmen (including Sergey Kiriyenko and Alexey Gordeyev). Today the Academy constitutes a research and educational complex that realizes a continuous education model of higher education and postgraduate training, as well as tailored professional training.
About the Life Line Foundation
The Life Line Charity Foundation for severely ill children provides assistance to children under 18 years of age with life-threatening diseases. The Foundation finances high-technology surgeries, medical equipment acquisition and medical research.
The major programs of the Foundation comprise proton therapy, laser surgery, reconstructive treatment and endoprosthesis replacement of the elbow joints for children with congenital humeroradial synostosis. The Foundation provides funding for expensive and hightech medical equipment and molecular genetic testing.
The Life Line foundation supports the development of advanced technologies and makes them accessible to children in Russia. The Foundation has helped more than 11 100 severely ill children in Russia to improve their quality of life and supports medical care for children all over the country.
You can save a child’s life right now – just send a text message to 3242 indicating the donation amount
Russian Union of Industrialists and Enterpreneurs (RSPP)
The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) was established in June 1990 as a non-political organization to protect the interests of industry at the time of fast and large-scale transformations in the state politics and economy. RSPP President is Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin. From the very first days of its life the RSPP priorities include: promotion of the business community interests in Russian and at the international level and consolidation of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs` efforts for business environment development; enhancing the status of business in Russia and the world; maintaining the balance of interests of society, government and business.
The Association of Russian Banks (ARB)
A non-governmental&non-profit organization which represents the interests of Russian Banking community.
Founded in March 1991. For over more than 20 years of its activities has united the majority of banking institutions: namely the 80% of banks which accumulate over 90% of assets of Russian banking system.
At present the Association collaborates with regional banking unions of 52 Federal entities and 18 ARB representative offices based in other regions of Russia. The Association of Russian banks has 704 members including 489 credit organizations. Once the associated membership considered: its participants total 861 of which 614 are credit organizations.
“Business people” Club
“Business people” club — a wide field for business communication in casual settings. Presentations, auctions, solemn lunches and dinners, excursions, as well as cultural and entertaining, spectacular, sporting events which are held in various places. The club builds the work in close interaction with Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Clubmen are people of different spheres of activity, irrespective of sex, age, nationality, religion, political views and other distinctions. These are businessmen, cultural workers and arts, public, political and statesmen, journalists, scientists, athletes.
Association of Orthodox Business Leaders
The autonomous non-profit organization "Center of development of strategic projects "Association of Orthodox Business Leaders" (AOBL) is registered on June 15, 2011 as the assignee of the non-profit partnership “Association of Orthodox Business Leaders” founded on blessing of His Holiness Alexis II Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia at the direction of constituent assembly on October 25, 1996 in order topromote revival of spiritual and business traditions of the Russian business, establishment and maintenance of collaboration of Russian Orthodox Church, businessmen and government.
Moscow association of businessmen
The Moscow association of businessmen — the oldest interregional public organization of Russian businessmen founded in 1989. Businessmen from 51 regions of Russia and foreign countries are presented in more than 50 Association committees. Association offices and representativeswork not only on Russian market and CIS countries, but also in Africa (Morocco), Asia (China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia), America (Cuba; USA: states Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Dalaver), etc. European office of MAB "EVROMEA" is registered in Zurich (Switzerland) and carries out activities in the countries of Europe, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
All-Russian Public organization "Russian club of Orthodox patrons"
The all-Russian public organization "Russian club of Orthodox Patrons" is a club that unites representatives of various business spheres. All of them are not only business partners, but also like - minded friends who have understood and accepted that the only true and most powerful protection that gives self – confidence, spiritual peace, and hope for the future is a sincere faith in God, the desire to live according to the commandments of Christ.
The club was established in November 2003. At the initial stage of unification and official registration, we received a blessing from his Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and all Russia.
The Mission Of The Club
All-Russian movement of Orthodox entrepreneurs with the aim of reducing social tension in society and social service of Orthodox-oriented businesses.
Strategic Objective
- Association of Orthodox-oriented entrepreneurs in Russia and Abroad.
- Interaction and collaboration of Orthodox entrepreneurs for the purpose of social service and reducing social tension in society.
- The formation of a civil vanguard in Russia among Orthodox entrepreneurs and public figures, and its broad positive positioning in society.
A network structure aimed at implementing Ethical principles in various spheres of life: from education to entrepreneurship. – global ethics network, founded in Geneva with the international Council of the famous names Foundation. It forms an electronic platform for awareness of the need for an ethical component of the modern world. The main tool is the website, which acts as a public platform for research and access to knowledge on these issues.
The main purpose of the Internet portal -ensure close interaction of citizens, state and public institutions in Asia, Africa and Latin America in order to ensure unhindered access to knowledge resources on applied ethics.
The electronic platform operates free of charge, providing equal access for all, for which purpose a special digital library on this subject has been developed. This initiative aims to provide citizens of Asia, Africa and Latin America with access to high-quality, up-to-date knowledge bases.
In we are convinced that unlimited and free access to the resources of the digital library in the field of applied ethics will contribute to a better understanding of the need for interaction between developed countries and countries in transition on various topical humanitarian issues.
FederBio is a Federation of enterprises across the organic and biodynamic agriculture chain, established to protect and promote development. FederBio is recognized as the institutional representation of the sector in national and regional bodies. It is a member of IFOAM and ACCREDIA, the Italian accreditation body for certification.
National Union of grain producers
The national Union of grain producers was established in March 2010 on the initiative of regional agricultural enterprises with the support of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation to consolidate agricultural producers in order to solve the systemic problems of the industry.
The main goals of the Union are to increase the investment attractiveness of grain production in Russia, to develop grain production as the most important direction of agricultural production using modern scientific and technical developments and innovative solutions, to increase the competitiveness of domestic grain in the world food markets, and to represent and protect the common interests of the Union members.
International Industrial Academy
International Industrial Academy Provides additional professional education (advanced training and professional retraining) of workers of food and processing industries of the agroindustrial complex of Russian higher education training of the teaching staff in graduate school.