Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Dear friends!
On behalf of the Coordinating Council "Ethical Enterprise" We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas - bright holidays of kindness, faith and love! The year 2019 has been declared the Year of Theater in Russia, so let it bring a lot of inspiration and creative energy for the most daring projects!
May this New Year retain all the best and fulfill the cherished dreams, be great and memorable!
Co-founders of the Council
Galina Fomina
Ferdinando Pelazzo
Dear friends!
On behalf of the Coordinating Council "Ethical Enterprise" We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas - bright holidays of kindness, faith and love! The year 2019 has been declared the Year of Theater in Russia, so let it bring a lot of inspiration and creative energy for the most daring projects!
May this New Year retain all the best and fulfill the cherished dreams, be great and memorable!
Co-founders of the Council
Galina Fomina
Ferdinando Pelazzo
2019 год объявлен в России Годом театра в России, так пусть он принесен много вдохновения и творческой энергии для осуществления самых смелых проектов!
Пусть этот Новый год сохранит все лучшее и исполнит заветные мечты, будет великолепным и запоминающимся!
Соучредители Совета
Галина Фомина
Фердинандо Пелаццо