Partner News: Dr. Christoph Stuckelberger Award
December 17, 2019 - Christoph Stuckelberger, professor of ethics and theology at the University of Basel, professor at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, founder and President of the Globalethics.net non-profit foundation (Geneva) received the award “100 Leading Education Leaders” at the Global Forum on Education and Training (GFEL), which took place in Dubai from December 16 to 18, 2019.
GFEL, which is already 2 years old, seeks to introduce new approaches and innovations in the field of knowledge sharing in order to build a new education system.
GFEL, which is already 2 years old, seeks to introduce new approaches and innovations in the field of knowledge sharing in order to build a new education system.
The conference was attended by over 40 speakers, including rectors, deans, teachers, directors from around the world working in the field of education.
Accepting his award, Dr. Stückelberger thanked for recognizing his role in the global community of ethics in higher education at Globethics.net and assured the audience that his work on introducing ethical standards in the higher education system would continue.