Opening speech Giuseppe Musumeci
It is an honor for me to be here to collaborate with the Academy of Water
during this important gathering for COP21 and to enjoy the privilege of being
hosted in le Pavillon de l’Union Europénne.
Everyone from dawn of humanity until now recognizes the importance of
water. I wish to underline three key points: the importance of folk wisdom; the link between water and hope; the role of clean water for integral human development.
Regarding my first point, today we must never underestimate the
closeness to the land of so many indigenous cultures spread throughout the
world, and we must learn from them.
In terms of my second point, the link between water and hope: every
human person has dignity and rights; but without the proper conditions that
enable the flourishing of the person, those rights are meaningless. Clearly
then, one of the best ways to boost the human spirit and to endow everyone
with the ability to realize their dreams is to ensure that they have access to
plentiful and potable water.
Regarding my third point, the link between clean water and integral
development there is much to be said. We cannot place undue burdens on
the weakest members of society. There are countries which are making great
efforts towards socio-economic development of their people; and we must
avoid imposing measures that could hold back this development. There are
no possible solutions without mediation which takes into account the vital
interests of everyone.
I thank you all for participating in this Interdisciplinary Conference, and it is
my great hope that it contributes to real action on climate change especially
as it relates to the provision of clean water for all humanity.
*Chair Holder of the Unesco Chair at the St Andrews College on the Inter
Religious and Inter Culture Dialogue Mumbay India