A. Bogomolov: "The themes and issues of climate change on our planet, sustainable development, green economy, environmental protection have become the main directions and concerns that unite all of humanity and Christianity"

A. Bogomolov: "The themes and issues of climate change on our planet, sustainable development, green economy, environmental protection have become the main directions and concerns that unite all of humanity and Christianity"

We would like to refer to the statements of the leadership of the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. This topic takes on the character of ethical approaches and behavior in the daily activities of society around the world. (https://www.vaticannews.va/ru/pope/news/2020-10/papa-o-klimaticheskom-krizise-sdelat-vybor-poka-ne-pozdno.html) Dad on the climate crisis: make a choice, bye not too late Pope Francis has made a video message to participants in the virtual Countdown event hosted by nonprofit TED around the world. The goal of the conference is to find immediate solutions to overcome the climate crisis.
“The current economic system is unstable,” emphasizes the Bishop of Rome. “Before us is a moral imperative and a practical need to rethink a lot: how we produce and consume, what we think about our culture of waste, about myopic vision, about the exploitation of the poor, about indifference to them, about increasing inequality and dependence on harmful energy sources.”
Pope Francis notes that today's world is facing many challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the socio-ecological crisis, so we all have to make a choice between what is important and what is secondary; between indifference to the suffering of the poorest, abuse of Creation - and a fundamental change in our way of acting.
Recalling the urgency of joint action to avoid future disasters, the Bishop of Rome notes that the economy “cannot be limited to production and distribution alone”: it is necessary to take into account its impact on the environment and on human dignity; she must be creative in her methods and actions. The Holy Father calls on believers of all religions and people of goodwill to build a world in which the needs of present generations will be satisfied without prejudice to future generations. 
Referring to his encyclical Laudato si '(Praise be to Thee), Pope Francis makes specific proposals. The first is to “promote education for the common home at all levels, developing an understanding that environmental issues are linked to human needs”. This education must be based on "scientific evidence and an ethical approach." The second proposal concerns water and food: “Access to clean drinking water is a basic and universal human right.
This is important because it determines the survival of people and conditions the realization of all other rights and obligations. On the other hand, "ensuring adequate nutrition for all through non-destructive farming should be the fundamental goal of the entire food production and distribution cycle."
Pope Francis' third proposal refers to the progressive and urgent "replacement of fossil fuels with clean energy sources": according to scientists, we have less than thirty years left to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. This transition must not only be quick and responsive to current and future energy needs, but also must take into account the impact on the poor, on the local population and on those working in the energy sector. ”
Pope Francis suggests one way to effectively drive this change: invest and reward only those companies that meet the parameters of a holistic ecology, promote social justice and contribute to the common good.
At the end of the video message, the Holy Father notes that the land should be “cultivated and looked after, cultivated and protected; we cannot squeeze it like an orange. We can say that caring for the land is a human right. 
Each of us “can play an important role if we all get down to business today: not tomorrow, but today. Because the future is being built today, and it is not being created alone, but in the community and in harmony. "
Pope Francis: Today we need a true “media ecology”.
Pope Francis sent a message on the occasion of the release of the new newspaper of the Italian media company Gedi, which will contain reviews, interviews, analytical articles on environmental protection and related economic and industrial aspects. The Green and Blue publishing project will be available online and as a print monthly.
Фонд кардинала Поля Пупара
Национальный банковский клуб Ассоциация российских банков
Российский союз промышленников и предпринимателей
Московская ассоциация предпринимателей
National Union of grain producers
Russian Orthodox Church