RSHB ESG development vector
On September 17, 2021, the rating Agency RAEX-Europe assigned the first ESG rating in Russia at the BBB (esg) level to the Exchange-traded mutual Investment Fund of market Financial Instruments "RSHB-Russian Corporate Eurobonds, vector I. S. G.", which is a fairly high level of ESG risk management, with an assessment of 62.3 points - https://raexpert.eu/database/company/RSHB_AM_Fund_eurobonds/.
This rating confirms the strategic commitment of RSHB UA to the development of the direction of responsible investment. The assigned ESG rating allows Russian and international investors to receive an objective independent ESG assessment of the BPIF RFI "RSHB-Russian Corporate Eurobonds, vector I. S. G.".
On September 4, 2021, the rating Agency RAEX-Europe confirmed the ESG rating at BBB (esg), with an assessment of 63.7 points of the BPIF RFI " RSHB-Mosbirzhi Index - RSPP Vector of sustainable development, full gross yield (RSHB Asset Management)" under the management of RSHB Asset Management LLC - https://raexpert.eu/database/company/RSHB_AM_Fund/.
It is worth noting that RSHB UA is the first company in Russia that has already formed two BPIFs for securities of Russian companies committed to the principles of ESG. Maintaining the tradition of promoting the principles of responsible investment, RSHB has become a pioneer in obtaining appropriate ratings.
Buy shares of BPIF RFI " RSHB-Mosbirzhi Index – RSPP Vector of sustainable development, full profitability, gross (RSHB Asset Management)" and BPIF RFI " RSHB-Russian corporate Eurobonds, vector I. Es.Ji" can be used through any ticker broker (short designation of an asset on the exchange) ESGR and PRIE, including through the mobile applications of brokerage companies.
2. RSHB UA is developing new investment products for responsible ESG investment and curbing negative changes as a result of climate change and global warming, and we are already cooperating with the European University of St. Petersburg in these areas. https://eusp.org/news/evropeyskiy-universitet-i-ooo-rskhb-upravlenie-aktivami-podpisali-soglashenie-o-sotrudnichestve-v-oblasti-ustoychivogo-razvitiya-i-otvetstvennogo-investirovaniya.